Bee Balanced Wild Yam Cream supports the body by bringing back the original rhythm. Made with organic herbs and oils, our hormonal balancing cream is perfect for those looking for a natural alternative.
Bee Balanced Wild Yam Cream 2 oz
Organic wild yam root, chaste berry, extra virgin olive oil, beeswax, shea butter, castor oil, vitamin E, essential oils of pine, cedar, balsam fir & bergamont
How to use
Apply a finger-tip sized amount (1 x finger-dip up to the nail bed) to wrists, inner thigh, inside of arms, top of breast or abdomen. We recommend you alternate the site of application to keep the body reactive.
For women who are still menstruating: Apply morning and night (so twice a day) for 3-weeks of the month (the 3-weeks you are not menstruating). One week off.
For women who are no longer menstruating: Apply morning & night (so twice a day) for 3-weeks of the month (choose 1 week of the month to not apply the cream. For ease of remembering, we suggest you choose the first or last week of the month or begin on the waning full moon).
For Men: Apply twice a day (morning & night)
We recommend using our Wild Yam Cream regularly (as per instructions) for an extended period of time for optimum results (for some it may take 2-3 months, others 1+ years).
Please Note: if you have, or have had, specific medical conditions that you are concerned about, please consult your healthcare provider before using our Wild Yam Cream.